Wednesday, December 30, 2015

8 Days Until My Adventure Begins!!!

Hello family and friends!!

I would just like to take a moment to thank all of you who have supported me and helped me with my mission trip so far! I can not thank you enough, I so appreciate each and every one of your generous donations! I literally could not do this without you!! I am over half way funded for my entire trip! Praise the Lord!!!
 smile emoticon
I can not believe that in 8 days my adventure will begin!! :) grin emoticon
To say I'm excited is a bit of an understatement! As of Christmas day I officially moved out of my apartment, had my last day at work, and have begun the final preparations for my trip! 
It's finally almost here!!

This past week I have been able to spend a lot of time with family and it has been absolutely wonderful! Seriously, how did I get so lucky? Believe it or not the picture below still doesn't capture the whole gang!  
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and I hope 2016 brings even more laughs, smiles, joy, and memories!

If you guys have a moment, please keep me in your prayers! Pray that the Lord would continue to prepare my heart for this trip, pray that the remainder of my finances would come through, and pray for team bonding and unity with my fellow team members/staff members!

Thank you so much again for the generous donations, prayers,and support!

To God All Praise and Glory! 
grin emoticonTo say I'm excited is a bit of an understatement! If you guys have a moment, please keep me in your prayers! Pray that the Lord would continue to prepare my heart for this trip, pray that the remainder of my finances would come through, and pray for team bonding and unity with my fellow team members/staff members

Monday, December 7, 2015

New Chapter, God's Calling, Here I come Hawaii/Philippines!! :)

Hello Family and Friends! :)

Wow! It has been quite awhile since I posted last. Time has just been flying by! I have a good explanation though! :)....

Since my last post I have decided to pursue and have been accepted into YWAM! For those of you who aren't as familiar YWAM, it stands for Youth With A Mission! It is an organization that trains young adults and prepares them to be world changers. The first 3 months I will be in Kona, Hawaii deepening my relationship with God, learning how to share the Gospel, as well as go out at serve within the community! The fun doesn't end there! The 2 proceeding months I will be using everything I have learned to reach people in the Philippines as well as surrounding countries! I am so excited to see where God takes me these next few months and I can not wait to see what God all has to teach me! :)

It's a little tricky to see but the red star indicates where I am. The green circle to the left is where I will be taking my Discipleship Training classes and the purple circles is where I will be on the outreach part of my mission trip.

I can't wait to share my journey with you! In exactly a month from today I will be in Kona, Hawaii starting this next chapter of my life! :)

Thank you to all the friends and family that have supported me and all those who support me in the future!

I will try my best to update you guys periodically so you can see where God's plan is leading me!
Prayers would be so much appreciated! Pray that people would come to know Jesus during this trip, pray for the staff members at YWAM who will be sharing their wisdom and knowledge with us, and pray also that God would give me strength these next few months to do everything that is in His will!

To God All Praise And Glory,


Friday, October 30, 2015

Finding Self Worth In The One Who Is Worthy To Judge

Hello family, friends, and followers! :)

I am still getting in the rhythm of how often and on what day I would consistently like to post. So just bare with me until I get this whole blogging thing down! ;)

This has been an interesting couple of weeks! God is teaching me so much and I am so excited to share it with you!

I can only speak from a woman's point of view, but that doesn't mean guys can't apply this to themselves! At the very least you guys can see a little glimpse into the complex mind of a woman haha!

So I have just been thinking a lot about where my self worth, value, and identity comes from lately. I can honestly say for most of my life that tends to all come from people. Whether it be my manager, my family, my friends, and so on, my self worth seems to come from them. That's something we as humans desire right? We seek approval and acceptance. So let me ask you guys, where does your value and self worth come from?

I feel like most woman to at least some extent want to be loved, desired, and cared for. I can unfortunately say that we put a lot of pressure on ourselves sometimes. Why else do you think we would spend hours doing our hair, makeup, and finding a cute outfit? Trust me, it is not because it's fun and we enjoy it by any means. You don't think we would much rather jump out of the shower, throw on some clothes, and head out the door? Umm, yes please! Sign me up for that! Guys by all means have this too, but our world is so focused on outer beauty it is ridiculous! America's version of beauty is so crazy. Skinny but curvy(Guys: fit, but muscular). Perfect hair. Perfect skin. I mean can you honestly think of one person like that? Heck no. No one looks like that unless it's photo shopped. So why do we strive so much to look like that? There's a difference between wanting to be healthy and putting so much emphasis on beauty. I am so guilty of this by the way, but this has all got me thinking, why do I find my self worth in some other human being? We're all flawed, all sinful, all have a different opinions about what beauty is. If someone asked you for a picture of someone beautiful, what picture would you give them? I can tell you, my first reaction would be to find a model in a magazine.

Here's what's so cool though you guys, there is someone out there that sees us SO valuable, SO precious, and SO worthy to be loved. That guy's name is Jesus! If there is one thing that I am trying to apply to my life after this week it is this; find my self worth in someone who is worthy to judge me. Some days I get so sucked in to being loved that I don't care who's showing me it. I just want to feel valued, loved, and feel like someone actually cares about me. When really I should be looking to my Heavenly Father to feel those things. You know, I could change my whole life for someone who thinks I'm beautiful, valuable, and worthy of love but at the end of the day I'm always going to be disappointed. Want to know why? Because NO ONE is going to love you as much as you should be loved except for Jesus. No one could possibly fulfill me the way Jesus does. So I encourage you all, do not give a guy or a girl or anyone else for that matter that much power over you. Don't let that person determine how much you're worth. No matter if you are single, in a relationship, or married, put God first. Find yourself in Him.
Trust me it is so much easier said than done, but I can promise you that it is so much easier finding my worth in Christ versus a guy, or manager, or friend. God knows all my flaws, all my imperfections, all my insecurities, in yet He loves me more than I could ever imagine! God also knows all my wonderful qualities and he uses those to help all my brothers and sisters in Christ!
 Heavenly Father,
I just pray over my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. I pray that they would find their self worth, their value, and their identity in you, God. In this world it is so easy to not feel beautiful, valuable, or loved. Help us to not look to a guy, girl, manager, or friend for our identity. Lord, you tell us how precious we are to you, I pray that we would believe it and embrace it. You love us so much that you gave your Son, Jesus, up so that we could enter our heavenly home some day. I just praise you for that God. I praise you for your unconditional and unfathomable love. Let us not look to this world but to you, God. Help us to put you first above everything else. It is so hard to do that sometimes, but I know that you also provide us with strength to get through the hard times. Let us always remember that we are yours and yours alone.
In His name I pray, Amen.

God's Blessings,

Saturday, October 17, 2015

What A Little Sun, Sand, And Rest Will Teach You

Hello family, friends, and followers! :)

Greetings from Sanibel Island!

For most of this week I have been here soaking up the sun, eating alot of food, and laughing with my family! It has been so nice to take a break from the busyness of life and be able to relax! I may be on the other end of the US but that doesn't mean that God taught me any less this week! 

There are two things that God has shown me this week! 

#1 It is crazy how big this world is! I mean have you ever stopped to think how big this world is? But then think how big that means our God is? He made this world so detailed, complex, and down right beautiful! Each thing so perfectly fit together, so perfect, so flawless. But in all this greatness, God decided to make me. Tiny, fragile, sinful me. If you're reading this, that means that God chose YOU! He chose to give YOU life! Out of all the tiny cells that could come together, He chose to create YOU! Doesn't that just make you feel precious? A big, powerful God wanted and desired YOU to be His child. That is so crazy to me! I pray that we embrace this gift each and every day because some days I find myself taking that too lightly.

#2 Sometimes life is too loud to hear God. There is a reason why God saves the Sabbath as a day of rest. We need rest. I strongly believe one of Satan's greatest tactics is making us too busy. He makes the world around us so loud, crazy, and busy that we don't have time to just sit and listen to God. It's so interesting that I've only been here a few days, but in those few days I've gained so much clarity and peace from God about decisions I will be making going forward. It honestly is gross how much time I spend on pointless stuff. You don't have to keep track by all means and no cheating, but just take a mental note one day of how many times you check your phone, how many times you're checking social media, how many times you're on the computer. Now, I understand that for some of you it is part of your job but just take a mental note regardless. I am guilty of this and will use myself as an example, but when I did this one day it was crazy how much I actually did those things. We do it without even thinking, it's like a weird habit that we have to be doing something at all times. In yet when it comes to reading God's Word(I'm convicted of this too) we say we are too busy or too tired. So what I'm saying by doing that is: I am too busy to spend time with the one who created me but I'm not too busy to check up on what Sally Mae is doing on Facebook 10 times a day? That sounds so silly when you put it that way, doesn't it? We are all guilty of this. Whether it be our hobbies, work, school, and or play, we all have excuses some days that prevent us from listening to what God has to say through His Word. But no matter how many times we may fall short a day, God is still faithful. He loves us so much. He's never going to stop trying to speak to us. He doesn't like to see us exhausted and drained. Instead He uses those days to draw us closer to Him. He wants to be our source of refreshment and rest. Matthew 11:28-29 says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” 

My prayer is for those of you who need rest. Those of you who are worn down, tired, and just sick of being stressed: I pray that you find rest in God. I pray that He gives you strength and perseverance. 

I pray for those of you who have found rest in God. I pray that you would not take this precious life for granted. I pray that God would use you to your full potential. God created you for a special reason and I pray that you would open your heart to wherever God leads you. I promise you, you won't regret it!

God's Blessings,


Friday, October 9, 2015

I Am Not Alone

Hello family, friends, and followers! :)

So in my first post I told you guys a little bit about myself; one of the last things I touched on was that part of the reason I decided to start blogging was because while we all have different stories I feel like we can all enter common ground when it comes to the trials and struggles of this world. It may not be all the same trials and struggles, but none the less we've all been through them and will continue to go through them until the day we die. So with that I'm just going to dive right into what's going on in my life and what God has been showing me this last week!

I Am Not Alone.

When I read that sentence at the beginning of the week I truly felt that that statement was far from the truth. Okay, so if I'm not alone then why do I feel so empty? Why do I feel like no one understands what I'm going through? I know that I have friends and family that love and care about me...but then why do I feel like something is missing?

Have you guys ever woken up some days and just felt immediate stress because in your head you're like,"Great. Another day I have to deal with the same junk I do everyday. Face it alone. Pretend for another day that I have it all together when I don't."? That was me this week. I can probably relate to almost everybody in this way, but for me I don't like it when my life isn't all together. For some reason I feel ashamed, embarrassed, and defeated. Man, when life is good I'm like,"YES! God is so good! He loves me! I love my life! Praise God! I am so blessed!". But then when life isn't good I look up to Heaven and I'm like,"What the heck God? What are you doing up there? Hello! I still exist!!". What's funny about that scenario is that it's not like all my friends and family disappear and reappear every time that happens. Especially God, He stays the same no matter what. God says in the Bible, Hebrews 13:8: Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. So once I accepted that I'm like okay God, you always stay the same so why do I feel like for some odd reason I have to go through things alone when life is not good? The honest answer I have concluded for myself is that even though I know God knows everything, I'm still embarrassed to bring my struggles to him. That's like admitting to your boss that you don't know how to do something. You just want their approval and to be impressed with you. Well get this, God already accepted and approved you! Romans 8:31-39 says:

Wow, I don't know about you guys but that verse brings me so much joy and peace! NOTHING I do or say can separate me from being God's child. NOTHING. Just because I FAIL at life sometimes, doesn't mean God isn't FAITHFUL. He gets it and understands how hard life is for us at times. That's why He also blessed us with fellow people to help us though the trials. God knew from the very beginning of creation that we need other people to help us though this life. Genesis 2:18 says:
Something I realized this week was how silly it is to "suck things up" and try do everything by myself. That's like a good friend coming to you asking you to build him a dresser(or something along those lines), handing you a tool box and instructions, and you just taking the tool box and say,"Nah! I'm too good for all this, I only need a few nails and a screw driver to make this dresser turn out awesome!" That sounds absolutely silly doesn't it? Why would you not use all the tools as well as the instructions to make the dresser?

That's how I feel like I treat life sometimes. I try to do it alone and by doing so I make it a whole lot harder than if I would actually use the blessings God has so graciously given me. We need people to help us as well as we need the instructions to guide us through life. Now, making a dresser sounds pretty complicated to me but I'm sure that we can agree that life is a whole lot harder than that. So I encourage you guys to talk to the fellow people around you. Family, friends, neighbors. God put them all in your life for a reason. Use them. And even if life is going good for you right now, take that time to encourage someone else who may be struggling. As for reading the instructions, stay in God's Word. It's amazing how your whole day can be flipped upside down by simply getting to know God more. 

I would like to leave you guys with this song. It really spoke to me this week and gave me hope when I felt like giving up on life.

God's Blessings,


Thursday, October 8, 2015

My Story, For God's Glory

Hello family, friends, and followers! :)

So, I have been contemplating about doing this for a long time. Well, today is the day!! After I hit post, I am an official blogger! I promise I will get into the more exciting stuff later but this first post will just give you a little background on who I am and why I decided to start a blogging.

Here's 5 quick things to know about me:

#1 I am crazy in love with Jesus!! Man, my life would absolutely stink if He was not in it. If you do not know Him, you should definitely get to know Him, because He is the COOLEST guy you will ever get to know!

#2 I was adopted from Bogota, Colombia in September of 1993.I could have a whole post about this fact, but I will get into it later!
#3 My family totally ROCKS! They have taught me everything I need to know about living out the Christian life, being there for one another, and just flat out having fun! Below is just my immediate family, but just wait till you see the rest of our crazy gang!

#4 I am cosmetologist/nanny! These are my second and third passions after Jesus!
#5 I love to help people! Basically everything I do involves being around people! This is part of the reason I wanted to start blogging. We all are going through a lot, and some days it's just nice to hear that you're not going through it alone. So if you ever have any questions about what I'm writing about or have anything you would like to share, please feel free! :)

I'm not sure how often I will be posting just yet, but stay tuned for more posts! :)

Thanks for taking the time to read!

God's Blessings, 
