Friday, January 8, 2016

The Journey Has Begun!!

Hello family and friends!

Just would like to take a brief moment to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart! I am so grateful to each and everyone of you for making this trip happen for me! It's because of your prayers, support, and generous donations that this dream is an actual reality! I landed safe and sound about 4pm Hawaii time. Today has been a lot of touring around and making the University of Nations our home. I am rooming with 5 other girls and they are absolutely wonderful! So far haha ;). We did some team bonding today, there are 14 people total on my team, we are definitely are one of the smaller groups on campus but I can feel the unity and family already!

The top photo is at 5am Minnesota time, before leaving for my lay over in Dallas. Middle photo is at the Kona Airport. Bottom photo was flying over Hawaii!

Thank you again for all your support and prayers!
Please pray for continued unity and bonding for my team. Pray for good rest tonight, everyone is pretty tired haha but having a great time! Pray a special prayer for the girls who are my roomates. Pray over their trip and that God would speak to them and they would open their ears to what God would like to say to them over this trip!

To God All Praise and Glory,
