Saturday, October 17, 2015

What A Little Sun, Sand, And Rest Will Teach You

Hello family, friends, and followers! :)

Greetings from Sanibel Island!

For most of this week I have been here soaking up the sun, eating alot of food, and laughing with my family! It has been so nice to take a break from the busyness of life and be able to relax! I may be on the other end of the US but that doesn't mean that God taught me any less this week! 

There are two things that God has shown me this week! 

#1 It is crazy how big this world is! I mean have you ever stopped to think how big this world is? But then think how big that means our God is? He made this world so detailed, complex, and down right beautiful! Each thing so perfectly fit together, so perfect, so flawless. But in all this greatness, God decided to make me. Tiny, fragile, sinful me. If you're reading this, that means that God chose YOU! He chose to give YOU life! Out of all the tiny cells that could come together, He chose to create YOU! Doesn't that just make you feel precious? A big, powerful God wanted and desired YOU to be His child. That is so crazy to me! I pray that we embrace this gift each and every day because some days I find myself taking that too lightly.

#2 Sometimes life is too loud to hear God. There is a reason why God saves the Sabbath as a day of rest. We need rest. I strongly believe one of Satan's greatest tactics is making us too busy. He makes the world around us so loud, crazy, and busy that we don't have time to just sit and listen to God. It's so interesting that I've only been here a few days, but in those few days I've gained so much clarity and peace from God about decisions I will be making going forward. It honestly is gross how much time I spend on pointless stuff. You don't have to keep track by all means and no cheating, but just take a mental note one day of how many times you check your phone, how many times you're checking social media, how many times you're on the computer. Now, I understand that for some of you it is part of your job but just take a mental note regardless. I am guilty of this and will use myself as an example, but when I did this one day it was crazy how much I actually did those things. We do it without even thinking, it's like a weird habit that we have to be doing something at all times. In yet when it comes to reading God's Word(I'm convicted of this too) we say we are too busy or too tired. So what I'm saying by doing that is: I am too busy to spend time with the one who created me but I'm not too busy to check up on what Sally Mae is doing on Facebook 10 times a day? That sounds so silly when you put it that way, doesn't it? We are all guilty of this. Whether it be our hobbies, work, school, and or play, we all have excuses some days that prevent us from listening to what God has to say through His Word. But no matter how many times we may fall short a day, God is still faithful. He loves us so much. He's never going to stop trying to speak to us. He doesn't like to see us exhausted and drained. Instead He uses those days to draw us closer to Him. He wants to be our source of refreshment and rest. Matthew 11:28-29 says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” 

My prayer is for those of you who need rest. Those of you who are worn down, tired, and just sick of being stressed: I pray that you find rest in God. I pray that He gives you strength and perseverance. 

I pray for those of you who have found rest in God. I pray that you would not take this precious life for granted. I pray that God would use you to your full potential. God created you for a special reason and I pray that you would open your heart to wherever God leads you. I promise you, you won't regret it!

God's Blessings,


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