Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Season of Being Home!

Hello Family and Friends!

Sorry it has taken so long for an update! It has been quite the adjustment being home! It has been so wonderful though being reunited with my family and friends that I have missed so much! Here on this post, I will share what it's been like being home, what I'm doing now, and I'm so excited to share what I will be doing NEXT! :D

So to start, I have been home for over a month now! Overall I have adjusted really well, and to be honest I thought it was going to be a lot harder coming back home! I will say, however, that there are definitely moments where I feel like I don't fit in, moments where I can definitely see I have changed a lot and those around me have stayed the same, and moments where I fight to go back to my old ways of thinking. But God has been SO faithful and I think He is 100% the reason why it has been so easy to transition back into "real life"! Before my team and I left to go home, we had a week of debriefing in Hawaii. One of our leaders, Auntie Dorien, shared with us that the same God that has been with us this whole 5 month trip is the same God that is going home with us! God NEVER changes! This really stuck with me coming home! No matter where I go, what I do next, and no matter how much things change around me, God is still the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow! He is my constant!

So basically what this season of being home has consisted of is: Spending quality time with my family and friends, working odd jobs(such as doing hair and part time babysitting jobs), being really involved in my church/being involved in my young adults group, and in general just focusing on my relationships! I have had so much joy being reunited with my amazing family and my second family at church!

And now for the golden question! What will I be doing next? *Drum roll*
Through God and all those that supported me prayerfully and/or financially during this trip I have found my calling/dream for the rest of my life! I am happy to share that I will be continuing with missions and hope that this will be my career/way of life! :D
I would just like to take a moment to thank all of you for helping me find and live my dream!! To say the least this trip has completely transformed my life and I am so unbelievably grateful to have the best support system behind me and along side me for this journey!!

Hopefully this video will upload, if it doesn't I have posted it on my Facebook page as well! If it doesn't upload, it is basically answering common questions I have been getting from people, such as: How have you changed since your 5 month trip with YWAM? What are you currently doing now? How did you get into missions? What do you plan to do next?

I have been refraining from telling people all the little details I have been receiving because so many of the details are not set in stone yet. The details I do know are that I am going to be doing an internship which will very possibly be turning into a full time missions position once my internship is over. I do know that my internship length will be similar to the length of time that I spent with YWAM, which will roughly be 6 months!

I will be going to Seattle this fall for a week to get more of the details tied down and by the end of the week I should know where my for sure location will be, how long my internship will be, and when I will be leaving. I know almost 100% what country my internship will be in! Here's a hint...it has been a life long dream to go this country where I originally originated from! :D 

I definitely plan on posting again once I have more of the details!
As for now God has really been teaching me a lot during this season of being home/waiting. A devotion I read the other day referred me to the example of, Jesus(haha, shocker I know). In the Old Testament it talks a lot about the birth of Christ, his parents leaving him behind at the temple as a child, and then "poof" he is an adult beginning His ministry with His twelve disciples and performing super amazing miracles! But what about that time in between? The Bible doesn't give us a whole lot of details, but I'm guessing that Jesus was working with His father in the carpentry business. Now, Jesus, who knows everything that is going to happen, knows all the miracles He's going to do. He knows how many people are going to become His disciples. He knows about every single life that He is going to save, even the lives that don't even exist yet, here in 2016! For Him to know all of that, and yet all the years in between He accepts His role as a carpenter, is pretty incredible!! Man, if I knew I was going to be THEE King reigning over the whole earth, I wouldn't be caught dead in an old dirty shop! But here's the awesome part, JESUS DID! He spent those years "WAITING WELL", which is a phrase my good friend, Jenae, shared with me! He used that time to learn everything He could about His Heavenly Father! He didn't see it as a burden, but as a time where He could prepare and accumulate the tools that He needed for ministry! Whether it be witnessing to His family, neighbors, even strangers; I have no doubt that just because it wasn't titled "His time of ministry" that God refrained from using Him. 

So that's what this season, so far, has been all about. Waiting well. Being used by God where I am right now. Treasuring the time I have with my friends and family. Living in the present. I hope this truth about Jesus is an encouragement to all of you that are in the season of waiting. I don't know about you, but I have a really hard time being patient when I know and I am passionate about what I want to do next! I would encourage you guys to not let the season of waiting well keep you from enjoying life or making you become discouraged! I honestly think this will be a season that I will look back on, and realize that all these moments in this waiting well season where to prepare me for what has planned for me next!

Thank you all for your continued support and prayer! I would really appreciate prayer that I would really listen to what God is teaching me in this season. Also that He would give me His wisdom and discernment with all the big decisions that lie ahead in these next couple months!

To God All Praise and Glory,


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