Wednesday, December 30, 2015

8 Days Until My Adventure Begins!!!

Hello family and friends!!

I would just like to take a moment to thank all of you who have supported me and helped me with my mission trip so far! I can not thank you enough, I so appreciate each and every one of your generous donations! I literally could not do this without you!! I am over half way funded for my entire trip! Praise the Lord!!!
 smile emoticon
I can not believe that in 8 days my adventure will begin!! :) grin emoticon
To say I'm excited is a bit of an understatement! As of Christmas day I officially moved out of my apartment, had my last day at work, and have begun the final preparations for my trip! 
It's finally almost here!!

This past week I have been able to spend a lot of time with family and it has been absolutely wonderful! Seriously, how did I get so lucky? Believe it or not the picture below still doesn't capture the whole gang!  
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and I hope 2016 brings even more laughs, smiles, joy, and memories!

If you guys have a moment, please keep me in your prayers! Pray that the Lord would continue to prepare my heart for this trip, pray that the remainder of my finances would come through, and pray for team bonding and unity with my fellow team members/staff members!

Thank you so much again for the generous donations, prayers,and support!

To God All Praise and Glory! 
grin emoticonTo say I'm excited is a bit of an understatement! If you guys have a moment, please keep me in your prayers! Pray that the Lord would continue to prepare my heart for this trip, pray that the remainder of my finances would come through, and pray for team bonding and unity with my fellow team members/staff members

Monday, December 7, 2015

New Chapter, God's Calling, Here I come Hawaii/Philippines!! :)

Hello Family and Friends! :)

Wow! It has been quite awhile since I posted last. Time has just been flying by! I have a good explanation though! :)....

Since my last post I have decided to pursue and have been accepted into YWAM! For those of you who aren't as familiar YWAM, it stands for Youth With A Mission! It is an organization that trains young adults and prepares them to be world changers. The first 3 months I will be in Kona, Hawaii deepening my relationship with God, learning how to share the Gospel, as well as go out at serve within the community! The fun doesn't end there! The 2 proceeding months I will be using everything I have learned to reach people in the Philippines as well as surrounding countries! I am so excited to see where God takes me these next few months and I can not wait to see what God all has to teach me! :)

It's a little tricky to see but the red star indicates where I am. The green circle to the left is where I will be taking my Discipleship Training classes and the purple circles is where I will be on the outreach part of my mission trip.

I can't wait to share my journey with you! In exactly a month from today I will be in Kona, Hawaii starting this next chapter of my life! :)

Thank you to all the friends and family that have supported me and all those who support me in the future!

I will try my best to update you guys periodically so you can see where God's plan is leading me!
Prayers would be so much appreciated! Pray that people would come to know Jesus during this trip, pray for the staff members at YWAM who will be sharing their wisdom and knowledge with us, and pray also that God would give me strength these next few months to do everything that is in His will!

To God All Praise And Glory,
